[00:00:00] Time To Shine - 周汤豪 
[00:01:00] 词作者:周汤豪NICKTHEREAL
[00:01:00] 曲作者:周汤豪NICKTHEREAL
[00:04:00] Let’s do this
[00:06:00] Hands up
[00:08:00] Everybody hands up with me
[00:11:00] With me
[00:12:00] Put them up
[00:17:00] Hands up
[00:19:00] NICKTHEREAL
[00:20:00] You heard
[00:24:00] 经过了十年 
[00:25:00] 梦想正在实现 
[00:27:00] Feeling so good
[00:28:00] 每当我通过考验
[00:29:00] 目标有十件 
[00:30:00] 你如何实践
[00:31:00] 梦想与现实 
[00:32:00] 你最好抓准时间
[00:34:00] 等待下个十年
[00:35:00] 不如把握今天
[00:36:00] NICKTHEREAL的rhythm book
[00:37:00] 绝对保持新鲜
[00:38:00] Keep your head straight all time
[00:40:00] 需要是经验
[00:41:00] Keep your mouth shut and work hard
[00:43:00] 我的经验
[00:43:00] 谢谢我的家人 
[00:45:00] 保佑我的老天
[00:46:00] 不时问我自己
[00:47:00] Brother are we there yet
[00:48:00] No pain no gain
[00:50:00] Bring the pain
[00:50:00] Let’s change
[00:51:00] Work hard play hard
[00:52:00] Keep rocking everyday
[00:53:00] This song for my haters
[00:54:00] Song for my fans
[00:56:00] Song for the young blood
[00:57:00] Song for my boy
[00:58:00] LA to Taipei
[00:59:00] 精彩的配对
[01:01:00] What a good life
[01:02:00] Let’s have a good time
[01:04:00] We shine like a star
[01:06:00] Hands up
[01:06:00] We fly like a star
[01:09:00] I believe one day I can
[01:10:00] Fly oh fly oh fly
[01:14:00] We shine like a star
[01:16:00] Put them up
[01:17:00] We fly like a star
[01:19:00] I believe one day I can
[01:21:00] Fly oh fly oh fly
[01:23:00] 当初是你给了
[01:24:00] 我的生命给我力量
[01:25:00] 不断给我支持 
[01:26:00] 这一路上
[01:27:00] 你说辛苦是值得 
[01:29:00] 有天总会发光
[01:30:00] 双榜的冠军 
[01:31:00] 我人气发烫
[01:32:00] Now who"s run this beats
[01:34:00] You know what it is
[01:35:00] Top one on the chart
[01:36:00] What it is
[01:37:00] I keep rocking the good show
[01:39:00] Keep close the good deal
[01:40:00] 让我的家人
[01:42:00] Relax and chill
[01:42:00] Underground到major
[01:43:00] 废纸变成papers
[01:45:00] 音乐这条路 
[01:46:00] Now who"s the过客
[01:47:00] 偶像也饶舌 
[01:48:00] 你还不是搭我便车
[01:50:00] Blah blah blah
[01:51:00] 我懒得听你乱扯
[01:52:00] No swagger liar pants on fire
[01:54:00] I am the swagger rapper 
[01:56:00] Who"s makin papers
[01:57:00] 天天告诉自己不再重蹈覆辙
[01:59:00] I like the way you smile
[02:00:00] Now who got my lighters
[02:02:00] We shine like a star
[02:05:00] We fly like a star
[02:07:00] I believe one day I can
[02:09:00] Fly oh fly oh fly
[02:12:00] We shine like a star
[02:15:00] We fly like a star
[02:17:00] I believe one day I can
[02:19:00] Fly oh fly oh fly
[02:24:00] 相信自己
[02:27:00] Oh no you can’t stop me
[02:29:00] I know I can 
[02:32:00] I can be who I wanna be
[02:35:00] 其它负面我不听
[02:36:00] I don’t give a blah blah
[02:39:00] I’m going going
[02:40:00] Back to back to
[02:41:00] Taipei Taipei
[02:42:00] You heard me
[02:43:00] Let’s go
[02:46:00] Turn up
[02:47:00] Keep it 100 we the best what’s up
[02:49:00] Let’s go
[02:50:00] Turn up
[02:51:00] Keep it 100 we the best what’s up
[02:54:00] Let’s go
[02:55:00] Turn up
[02:56:00] Keep it 100 we the best what’s up
[02:59:00] Let’s go
[03:00:00] Turn up
[03:01:00] Keep it 100 we the best what’s up
[03:04:00] We shine like a star
[03:06:00] We fly like a star
[03:09:00] I believe one day I can
[03:10:00] Fly oh fly oh fly
[03:13:00] We shine like a star
[03:16:00] We fly like a star
[03:18:00] I believe one day I can
[03:20:00] Fly oh fly oh fly
[03:24:00] 送给所有在这条音乐路上面每一个人
[03:26:00] As we proceed
[03:30:00] To give what you need

Time To Shine - 周汤豪


周汤豪-Time To Shine的QQ空间背景音乐外链:

歌曲周汤豪-Time To Shine的MP3下载地址来源于网络分享,复制链接或者右键链接另存为即可下载MP3音乐,同时网站提供周汤豪-Time To Shine的QQ空间背景音乐歌曲链接,把这首歌曲的MP3链接地址推荐给你的朋友,可以让他们免费获得本歌曲音乐外链。

歌曲Time To Shine的歌词下载

Time To Shine - 周汤豪
Let’s do this
Hands up
Everybody hands up with me
With me
Put them up
Hands up
You heard
Feeling so good
NICKTHEREAL的rhythm book
Keep your head straight all time
Keep your mouth shut and work hard
Brother are we there yet
No pain no gain
Bring the pain
Let’s change
Work hard play hard
Keep rocking everyday
This song for my haters
Song for my fans
Song for the young blood
Song for my boy
LA to Taipei
What a good life
Let’s have a good time
We shine like a star
Hands up
We fly like a star
I believe one day I can
Fly oh fly oh fly
We shine like a star
Put them up
We fly like a star
I believe one day I can
Fly oh fly oh fly
Now who"s run this beats
You know what it is
Top one on the chart
What it is
I keep rocking the good show
Keep close the good deal
Relax and chill
Now who"s the过客
Blah blah blah
No swagger liar pants on fire
I am the swagger rapper
Who"s makin papers
I like the way you smile
Now who got my lighters
We shine like a star
We fly like a star
I believe one day I can
Fly oh fly oh fly
We shine like a star
We fly like a star
I believe one day I can
Fly oh fly oh fly
Oh no you can’t stop me
I know I can
I can be who I wanna be
I don’t give a blah blah
I’m going going
Back to back to
Taipei Taipei
You heard me
Let’s go
Turn up
Keep it 100 we the best what’s up
Let’s go
Turn up
Keep it 100 we the best what’s up
Let’s go
Turn up
Keep it 100 we the best what’s up
Let’s go
Turn up
Keep it 100 we the best what’s up
We shine like a star
We fly like a star
I believe one day I can
Fly oh fly oh fly
We shine like a star
We fly like a star
I believe one day I can
Fly oh fly oh fly
As we proceed
To give what you need

拾音人音乐网提供周汤豪-Time To Shine的MP3音乐在线试听下载,Time To Shine的QQ空间背景音乐外链。