[00:00:00] Ruff Ryders\' Anthem (Explicit) - DMX
[00:04:00] Lyrics by:Kasseem Dean/Earl Simmons
[00:08:00] Composed by:Kasseem Dean/Earl Simmons
[00:12:00] Something new
[00:14:00] Stop drop shut \'em down open up shop
[00:19:00] 阻止一切入侵 消灭一切敌人 锐不可当
[00:19:00] Oh no that\'s how Ruff Ryders roll
[00:25:00] 不 饶舌奇兵 威震天下
[00:25:00] Stop drop shut \'em down open up shop
[00:30:00] 阻止一切入侵 消灭一切敌人 锐不可当
[00:30:00] Oh no that\'s how Ruff Ryders roll
[00:34:00] 不 饶舌奇兵 威震天下
[00:34:00] N***as wanna try n***as wanna lie
[00:37:00] 兄弟们想要尝试 想要信口开河
[00:37:00] Then n***as wonder why n***as wanna die
[00:40:00] 兄弟们疑惑为什么有的人想要自寻死路
[00:40:00] All I know is pain all I feel is rain
[00:42:00] 我只知道痛苦 我只想要腰缠万贯
[00:42:00] How can I maintain with that s**t on my brain
[00:45:00] 有那么多烦心事 我为什么还可以逍遥自在
[00:45:00] I resort to violence my n***as move in silence
[00:47:00] 我用武力解决一切 而我的兄弟在沉默中付出行动
[00:47:00] Like you don\'t know what our style is
[00:49:00] 好像你不知道我们的风格是什么似的
[00:49:00] New York n***as the wildest
[00:50:00] 我们是纽约最狂野的乐队
[00:50:00] My n***as is with it you want it come and get it
[00:53:00] 我的兄弟们聪明伶俐 你也想和我们一样 过来加入我们吧
[00:53:00] Took it then we split it you f**kin\' right we did it
[00:56:00] 然后把你们撕得粉碎 去你们的 我们成功了
[00:56:00] What the f**k you gon\' do when we run up on you
[00:58:00] 我们威震天下 强过你们一百倍 你们到底想怎么样
[00:58:00] F**kin\' with the wrong crew
[00:59:00] 去你们的团队
[00:59:00] Don\'t know what we\'re goin\' through
[01:01:00] 你们难道不知道我们到底有多厉害
[01:01:00] I\'ma have to show n***as how easily we blow n***as
[01:03:00] 我要让你们瞧瞧 我们是怎样不费吹灰之力就能把你们碾压
[01:03:00] When you find out there\'s some mo\' n***as
[01:05:00] 当你看到我们成群结队 团结一致
[01:05:00] That\'s runnin\' with yo n***as
[01:06:00] 你们最好赶紧逃跑
[01:06:00] Nothin\' we can\'t handle break it up and dismantle
[01:09:00] 没有什么是我们对付不了的 我们能瞬间让你们土崩瓦解
[01:09:00] Light it up like a candle just \'cause I can\'t stand you
[01:11:00] 请点燃全场 因为我无法忍受你们
[01:11:00] Put my s**t on tapes like you bustin\' grapes
[01:14:00] 胆敢把我的唱片拿出来 随意玩弄
[01:14:00] Think you holdin\' weight
[01:15:00] 也不想想你有几斤几两
[01:15:00] Then you haven\'t met the apes
[01:17:00] 竟敢和我抗衡
[01:17:00] Stop drop shut \'em down open up shop
[01:22:00] 阻止一切入侵 消灭一切敌人 锐不可当
[01:22:00] Oh no that\'s how Ruff Ryders roll
[01:28:00] 不 饶舌奇兵 威震天下
[01:28:00] Stop drop shut \'em down open up shop
[01:33:00] 阻止一切入侵 消灭一切敌人 锐不可当
[01:33:00] Oh no that\'s how Ruff Ryders roll
[01:37:00] 不 饶舌奇兵 威震天下
[01:37:00] Is y\'all n***as crazy
[01:39:00] 你们难道都疯了吗
[01:39:00] I\'ll bust you and be Swayze
[01:40:00] 我会像帕特里克斯威兹在电影中那样让你们粉身碎骨
[01:40:00] Stop actin\' like a baby mind your business lady
[01:43:00] 女士 请别再像孩子那样 管好你自己的事情
[01:43:00] Nosy people get it too when you see me spit at you
[01:45:00] 你就像一个好管闲事的婆娘 我非常鄙视你
[01:45:00] You know I\'m tryin\' to get rid of you yeah I know it\'s pitiful
[01:48:00] 你清楚我试图摆脱你的纠缠 我知道这让你感觉很可怜
[01:48:00] That\'s how n***as get down
[01:50:00] 这是兄弟们嘻哈的方式
[01:50:00] Watch my n***as spit rounds
[01:51:00] 看看我的兄弟们多么耀武扬威
[01:51:00] Make y\'all n***as kiss ground just for talkin\' s**t clown
[01:53:00] 让你们只能双膝跪地 亲吻我们脚下的土地 只为博得我们的欢乐 你们这群小丑
[01:53:00] Oh you think it\'s funny
[01:55:00] 你竟然觉得这很好笑
[01:55:00] Then you don\'t know me money
[01:56:00] 你根本就不了解我到底有多富有
[01:56:00] It\'s about to get ugly f**k it dawg I\'m hungry
[01:59:00] 你们丑陋不堪 去你们的 我现在饥肠辘辘
[01:59:00] I guess you know what that mean
[02:00:00] 我想你知道我在说些什么
[02:00:00] Come up off that green rob n***as on ravine
[02:03:00] 我们想要大把的钞票 我们会大肆对你们掠夺
[02:03:00] Don\'t make it a murder scene
[02:04:00] 只是不要让它像案发现场
[02:04:00] Give a dog a bone leave a dog alone
[02:07:00] 给他们一些好处 然后远离这群人
[02:07:00] Let a dog roam and he\'ll find his way home
[02:09:00] 放他一条生路 他会自己找到回家的路
[02:09:00] Home of the brave my home is a cage
[02:12:00] 勇者之家 我的家似牢笼
[02:12:00] Ayo I\'ma slave till my home is a grave
[02:15:00] 终身奴隶其中
[02:15:00] I\'ma pull capers it\'s all about the papers
[02:17:00] 我大肆抢劫 只为掠夺钞票
[02:17:00] B***hes caught the vapors and now they wanna rape us
[02:21:00] 那些小妞见钱眼开 见到我们就想和我们缠绵
[02:21:00] Stop drop shut \'em down open up shop
[02:26:00] 阻止一切入侵 消灭一切敌人 锐不可当
[02:26:00] Oh no that\'s how Ruff Ryders roll
[02:31:00] 不 饶舌奇兵 威震天下
[02:31:00] Stop drop shut \'em down open up shop
[02:36:00] 阻止一切入侵 消灭一切敌人 锐不可当
[02:36:00] Oh no that\'s how Ruff Ryders roll
[02:41:00] 不 饶舌奇兵 威震天下
[02:41:00] Look what you done started asked for it you got it
[02:44:00] 看看你都做了些什么
[02:44:00] Had it shoulda shot it now you\'re dearly departed
[02:46:00] 你咎由自取 活该得到惩罚
[02:46:00] Get at me dawg did I rip s**t
[02:48:00] 还敢看着我 你这条小狗 看我不把你粉身碎骨
[02:48:00] With this one here I flip s**t
[02:49:00] 我在这儿腾空旋转 兄弟们知道当我旋转
[02:49:00] N***as know when I kick s**t it\'s gon\' be some slick s**t
[02:51:00] 兄弟们知道当我旋转 一定是帅翻天际
[02:51:00] What was that look for when I walked in the door
[02:54:00] 当我走进屋内 你们用什么样的眼神看着我
[02:54:00] Oh you thought you was raw
[02:56:00] 你觉得你很酷
[02:56:00] Boom not anymore
[02:57:00] 砰的一声 你一点都不酷
[02:57:00] \'Cause now you on the floor wishin\' you never saw
[02:59:00] 因为此刻你已躺在地板上 希望你永远都不要再看我
[02:59:00] Me walk through that door with that .44
[03:02:00] 我从那个门前走过 手里拿着一杆枪
[03:02:00] Now it\'s time for bed two more to the head
[03:05:00] 此刻到了睡觉时间 再干掉两个人
[03:05:00] Got the floor red yeah that n***a\'s dead
[03:07:00] 让鲜血染红地板 那个敌人已经被射死
[03:07:00] Another unsolved mystery it\'s goin\' down in history
[03:10:00] 又是一个未解之谜 这将被载入史册
[03:10:00] N***as ain\'t never did s**t to me
[03:11:00] 兄弟们永远不会背叛我
[03:11:00] B***h-a*s n***as can\'t get to me
[03:13:00] 那些混蛋敌人永远无法靠近我
[03:13:00] Gots to make the move got a point to prove
[03:15:00] 想要采取行动抓到我  你们需要拿到证据
[03:15:00] Gotta make them groove got \'em all like \"Ooh\"
[03:18:00] 想要使音乐动感十足 使粉丝大声尖叫
[03:18:00] So to the next time you hear this n***a rhyme
[03:21:00] 所以下次你再听到我们的旋律
[03:21:00] Try to keep your mind on gettin\' p***y and crime
[03:24:00] 纵情嗨翻全场
[03:24:00] Stop drop shut \'em down open up shop
[03:31:00] 阻止一切入侵 消灭一切敌人 锐不可当
[03:31:00] Talk is cheap motherf**ker
[03:36:00] 光说没有用

Ruff Ryders’ Anthem(Explicit) - DMX


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歌曲Ruff Ryders’ Anthem(Explicit)的歌词下载

Ruff Ryders\' Anthem (Explicit) - DMX

Lyrics by:Kasseem Dean/Earl Simmons

Composed by:Kasseem Dean/Earl Simmons

Something new

Stop drop shut \'em down open up shop
阻止一切入侵 消灭一切敌人 锐不可当
Oh no that\'s how Ruff Ryders roll
不 饶舌奇兵 威震天下
Stop drop shut \'em down open up shop
阻止一切入侵 消灭一切敌人 锐不可当
Oh no that\'s how Ruff Ryders roll
不 饶舌奇兵 威震天下
N***as wanna try n***as wanna lie
兄弟们想要尝试 想要信口开河
Then n***as wonder why n***as wanna die
All I know is pain all I feel is rain
我只知道痛苦 我只想要腰缠万贯
How can I maintain with that s**t on my brain
有那么多烦心事 我为什么还可以逍遥自在
I resort to violence my n***as move in silence
我用武力解决一切 而我的兄弟在沉默中付出行动
Like you don\'t know what our style is
New York n***as the wildest
My n***as is with it you want it come and get it
我的兄弟们聪明伶俐 你也想和我们一样 过来加入我们吧
Took it then we split it you f**kin\' right we did it
然后把你们撕得粉碎 去你们的 我们成功了
What the f**k you gon\' do when we run up on you
我们威震天下 强过你们一百倍 你们到底想怎么样
F**kin\' with the wrong crew
Don\'t know what we\'re goin\' through
I\'ma have to show n***as how easily we blow n***as
我要让你们瞧瞧 我们是怎样不费吹灰之力就能把你们碾压
When you find out there\'s some mo\' n***as
当你看到我们成群结队 团结一致
That\'s runnin\' with yo n***as
Nothin\' we can\'t handle break it up and dismantle
没有什么是我们对付不了的 我们能瞬间让你们土崩瓦解
Light it up like a candle just \'cause I can\'t stand you
请点燃全场 因为我无法忍受你们
Put my s**t on tapes like you bustin\' grapes
胆敢把我的唱片拿出来 随意玩弄
Think you holdin\' weight
Then you haven\'t met the apes
Stop drop shut \'em down open up shop
阻止一切入侵 消灭一切敌人 锐不可当
Oh no that\'s how Ruff Ryders roll
不 饶舌奇兵 威震天下
Stop drop shut \'em down open up shop
阻止一切入侵 消灭一切敌人 锐不可当
Oh no that\'s how Ruff Ryders roll
不 饶舌奇兵 威震天下
Is y\'all n***as crazy
I\'ll bust you and be Swayze
Stop actin\' like a baby mind your business lady
女士 请别再像孩子那样 管好你自己的事情
Nosy people get it too when you see me spit at you
你就像一个好管闲事的婆娘 我非常鄙视你
You know I\'m tryin\' to get rid of you yeah I know it\'s pitiful
你清楚我试图摆脱你的纠缠 我知道这让你感觉很可怜
That\'s how n***as get down
Watch my n***as spit rounds
Make y\'all n***as kiss ground just for talkin\' s**t clown
让你们只能双膝跪地 亲吻我们脚下的土地 只为博得我们的欢乐 你们这群小丑
Oh you think it\'s funny
Then you don\'t know me money
It\'s about to get ugly f**k it dawg I\'m hungry
你们丑陋不堪 去你们的 我现在饥肠辘辘
I guess you know what that mean
Come up off that green rob n***as on ravine
我们想要大把的钞票 我们会大肆对你们掠夺
Don\'t make it a murder scene
Give a dog a bone leave a dog alone
给他们一些好处 然后远离这群人
Let a dog roam and he\'ll find his way home
放他一条生路 他会自己找到回家的路
Home of the brave my home is a cage
勇者之家 我的家似牢笼
Ayo I\'ma slave till my home is a grave
I\'ma pull capers it\'s all about the papers
我大肆抢劫 只为掠夺钞票
B***hes caught the vapors and now they wanna rape us
那些小妞见钱眼开 见到我们就想和我们缠绵
Stop drop shut \'em down open up shop
阻止一切入侵 消灭一切敌人 锐不可当
Oh no that\'s how Ruff Ryders roll
不 饶舌奇兵 威震天下
Stop drop shut \'em down open up shop
阻止一切入侵 消灭一切敌人 锐不可当
Oh no that\'s how Ruff Ryders roll
不 饶舌奇兵 威震天下
Look what you done started asked for it you got it
Had it shoulda shot it now you\'re dearly departed
你咎由自取 活该得到惩罚
Get at me dawg did I rip s**t
还敢看着我 你这条小狗 看我不把你粉身碎骨
With this one here I flip s**t
我在这儿腾空旋转 兄弟们知道当我旋转
N***as know when I kick s**t it\'s gon\' be some slick s**t
兄弟们知道当我旋转 一定是帅翻天际
What was that look for when I walked in the door
当我走进屋内 你们用什么样的眼神看着我
Oh you thought you was raw
Boom not anymore
砰的一声 你一点都不酷
\'Cause now you on the floor wishin\' you never saw
因为此刻你已躺在地板上 希望你永远都不要再看我
Me walk through that door with that .44
我从那个门前走过 手里拿着一杆枪
Now it\'s time for bed two more to the head
此刻到了睡觉时间 再干掉两个人
Got the floor red yeah that n***a\'s dead
让鲜血染红地板 那个敌人已经被射死
Another unsolved mystery it\'s goin\' down in history
又是一个未解之谜 这将被载入史册
N***as ain\'t never did s**t to me
B***h-a*s n***as can\'t get to me
Gots to make the move got a point to prove
想要采取行动抓到我 你们需要拿到证据
Gotta make them groove got \'em all like \"Ooh\"
想要使音乐动感十足 使粉丝大声尖叫
So to the next time you hear this n***a rhyme
Try to keep your mind on gettin\' p***y and crime
Stop drop shut \'em down open up shop
阻止一切入侵 消灭一切敌人 锐不可当
Talk is cheap motherf**ker

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