[00:00:00] listen up (Acoustic) - SOLOMON
[00:00:00] Lyrics by:Alex Oriet/David Phelan/Solomon Newman-Whyt
[00:00:00] Told you not to fall in love with me
[00:06:00] If I won\'t give you everything you need
[00:12:00] Warned you three times seems that\'s not enough
[00:17:00] Is it love
[00:18:00] Listen up
[00:21:00] Oh I
[00:25:00] I I feel like a broke-broken record with you
[00:29:00] But I know my previous issues are far from yours to fix
[00:35:00] It ain\'t your fault
[00:37:00] I prefer to be alone
[00:40:00] \'Cause my heart\'s been turned to stone
[00:42:00] Still here to heat you up at night
[00:45:00] I told you not to fall in love with me
[00:51:00] If I won\'t give you everything you need
[00:57:00] Warned you three times seems that\'s not enough
[01:02:00] Is it love
[01:04:00] Listen up
[01:07:00] Oh I
[01:10:00] Lost my head as soon as I met ya
[01:12:00] Found my composure
[01:14:00] Don\'t know what came over me
[01:16:00] I\'ve been burnt to the third degree
[01:19:00] That\'s why I blow hot \'n\' cold like an AC
[01:22:00] Gassin\' you up then I backtrack but lately
[01:26:00] I can see why it\'s been driving you crazy
[01:28:00] How toxic it may be
[01:31:00] I told you not to fall in love with me
[01:36:00] If I won\'t give you everything you need
[01:42:00] Warned you three times seems that\'s not enough
[01:48:00] Is it love
[01:49:00] Listen up

listen up(Acoustic) - SOLOMON


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listen up (Acoustic) - SOLOMON
Lyrics by:Alex Oriet/David Phelan/Solomon Newman-Whyt
Told you not to fall in love with me
If I won\'t give you everything you need
Warned you three times seems that\'s not enough
Is it love
Listen up
Oh I
I I feel like a broke-broken record with you
But I know my previous issues are far from yours to fix
It ain\'t your fault
I prefer to be alone
\'Cause my heart\'s been turned to stone
Still here to heat you up at night
I told you not to fall in love with me
If I won\'t give you everything you need
Warned you three times seems that\'s not enough
Is it love
Listen up
Oh I
Lost my head as soon as I met ya
Found my composure
Don\'t know what came over me
I\'ve been burnt to the third degree
That\'s why I blow hot \'n\' cold like an AC
Gassin\' you up then I backtrack but lately
I can see why it\'s been driving you crazy
How toxic it may be
I told you not to fall in love with me
If I won\'t give you everything you need
Warned you three times seems that\'s not enough
Is it love
Listen up

拾音人音乐网提供SOLOMON-listen up(Acoustic)的MP3音乐在线试听下载,listen up(Acoustic)的QQ空间背景音乐外链。