[00:00:00] Somebody Save Me (Explicit) - Eminem (埃米纳姆)/Jelly Roll
[00:00:00] TME享有本翻译作品的著作权
[00:00:00] Lyrics by:Luis Resto/Marshall Mathers/E. Haynie/Benjamin Levin/D. Stevens/Jason DeFord
[00:00:00] Composed by:Luis Resto/Marshall Mathers/E. Haynie/Benjamin Levin/D. Stevens/Jason DeFord
[00:00:00] Produced by:benny blanco/Emile Haynie/Eminem
[00:00:00] Daddy
[00:01:00] 爸爸
[00:01:00] Huh
[00:02:00] 怎么了?
[00:02:00] Foods\' here
[00:03:00] 吃点东西吧
[00:03:00] Kept buyin\' and see who gets it
[00:05:00] 说吧 看谁会听你那一套
[00:05:00] Come eat
[00:06:00] 过来吃点
[00:06:00] Alaina I\'m so tired
[00:08:00] Alaina 我好累
[00:08:00] Just come eat
[00:09:00] 过来吃点
[00:09:00] Alaina I\'ll be there in a minute I promise
[00:12:00] Alaina 我晚点就吃 我保证
[00:12:00] Stop
[00:13:00] 别吵了
[00:13:00] But wake up
[00:14:00] 但是好歹要先起来吧
[00:14:00] Shut the door
[00:16:00] 把门关上
[00:16:00] Somebody save me me from myself
[00:24:00] 谁能救救我 让我能自我救赎
[00:24:00] I\'ve spent so long livin\' in hell
[00:33:00] 地狱待得太久了 每日都在受苦
[00:33:00] Another pill as I start to spiral
[00:35:00] 当我开始醉生梦死时 又将一片药咽下肚
[00:35:00] Message to my daughters
[00:36:00] 给我的女儿发简讯说:
[00:36:00] I don\'t even deserve the father title
[00:39:00] 我不是个称职的父亲
[00:39:00] Hailie I\'m so sorry
[00:40:00] Hailie 是我对不起你 其实很多事情我都清楚
[00:40:00] I know I wasn\'t there for your first guitar recital
[00:43:00] 我甚至都没去参加你人生中的第一场吉他演奏会
[00:43:00] Didn\'t walk you down the aisle
[00:45:00] 未曾伴你步过那条悠长的走廊
[00:45:00] Missed the birth of your first child
[00:46:00] 错过了你第一个孩子的生日
[00:46:00] Your first podcast lookin\' down sweetie
[00:49:00] 亲爱的 往下翻到了你的第一条博客
[00:49:00] I\'m so proud of how you turned out
[00:51:00] 我为你的蜕变感到无比自豪
[00:51:00] Sorry that I chose d**gs and put \'em above you
[00:54:00] 我很抱歉曾几何时将**置于你之上
[00:54:00] Sorry that I didn\'t love you enough to
[00:57:00] 抱歉我未能给予你足够的爱意
[00:57:00] Give \'em up how the **** do
[00:59:00] 让我去放弃那些诱惑
[00:59:00] I not love you more than a pill
[01:00:00] 我对你的爱竟不如一颗药丸
[01:00:00] Lookin\' up to the ceilin\' from this floor wonder will
[01:03:00] 当我仰望着天花板 心中不停地期盼着
[01:03:00] Somebody save me me from myself
[01:12:00] 谁能救救我 让我能自我救赎
[01:12:00] I\'ve spent so long livin\' in hell
[01:19:00] 地狱待得太久了 每日都在受苦
[01:19:00] They say my lifestyle is bad for my health
[01:28:00] 他们总说我的生活方式不利于身心健康
[01:28:00] It\'s the only thing that seems to help
[01:36:00] 但它似乎是唯一的慰藉
[01:36:00] Alaina sorry that you had to hear me fall in the bathroom
[01:39:00] Alaina 抱歉让你听到我倒在浴室里的声音
[01:39:00] Sorry that I missed your gradu wait Nate I should just congratulate you
[01:44:00] 抱歉我错过了你的毕业礼 Nate 我应该祝贺你
[01:44:00] On bein\' a dad to Carter and Liam look at you
[01:48:00] 成为Carter和Liam的父亲 看看你
[01:48:00] Little bro sorry I left you
[01:49:00] 小兄弟 抱歉我离你而去
[01:49:00] Sorry that I\'ll never get to
[01:51:00] 抱歉我再也无法
[01:51:00] Hold or hug my little nephews
[01:53:00] 拥抱我的小侄子们
[01:53:00] Stevie I\'m sorry I missed you
[01:56:00] 斯蒂夫 抱歉我本应该
[01:56:00] Grow up and I didn\'t get to
[01:57:00] 出现在你的成长之路上
[01:57:00] Be the dad I wanted to be to you
[02:00:00] 我没有成为你想象中的父亲
[02:00:00] Things I wanted to see you do
[02:01:00] 我想见证你的每一个成长瞬间
[02:01:00] This is my song from me to you
[02:03:00] 这是我唱给你的歌
[02:03:00] Sorry I gave up but I\'m just so defeated
[02:06:00] 抱歉我选择了放弃 但我感到如此无助
[02:06:00] God what the **** do you want me to do
[02:07:00] 上帝啊 你究竟想让我做什么
[02:07:00] Somebody save me me from myself
[02:15:00] 谁能救救我 让我能自我救赎
[02:15:00] I\'ve spent so long livin\' in hell
[02:23:00] 地狱待得太久了 每日都在受苦
[02:23:00] They say my lifestyle is bad for my health
[02:31:00] 他们总说我的生活方式不利于身心健康
[02:31:00] It\'s the only thing that seems to help
[02:40:00] 但它似乎是唯一的慰藉
[02:40:00] I\'ve been starin\' at that video of Hailie
[02:42:00] 我在不断重温着Hailie的视频
[02:42:00] Almost daily of her playin\' a guitar
[02:44:00] 她日复一日地弹奏着吉他
[02:44:00] In hopes maybe that\'ll give me the power to fight
[02:47:00] 希望她能赋予我战斗的力量
[02:47:00] But the addict in me\'s a coward he told me that I can\'t do it
[02:50:00] 但是我的内心就是个懦夫 不断地和我说:你做不到的
[02:50:00] Had a second chance blew it
[02:52:00] 我浪费了第二次机会
[02:52:00] It\'s like I\'m stuck inside an alternate reality but I know
[02:55:00] 就如同我被困在了另一个现实中 但是我明白
[02:55:00] What
[02:55:00] I\'ll turn it around and be able to
[02:57:00] 终有一天 我会扭转局面 重新振作
[02:57:00] Walk her and Lainie one day
[02:58:00] 总有天走向她和Lainie
[02:58:00] To the altar as proud as can be
[03:01:00] 然后骄傲地陪伴她们走向圣坛
[03:01:00] Right now I\'m just weak
[03:03:00] 现在我感到如此脆弱
[03:03:00] As I fall further down in this deep hole
[03:05:00] 在伸手不见五指的深渊里越陷越深
[03:05:00] And farther in the ground that I sink
[03:07:00] 直到我深深地陷入在了大地之下
[03:07:00] As they lower me in my coffin
[03:08:00] 人们将我放入了棺材
[03:08:00] I feel the tears all fallin\' down on my cheek
[03:11:00] 热泪却不由自主地从我的脸颊滑落
[03:11:00] I\'m a lost cause
[03:15:00] 茫茫人海中再也不会出现我的踪影
[03:15:00] Baby don\'t waste your time on me
[03:19:00] 宝贝 请不要在我身上浪费时间
[03:19:00] I\'m so damaged beyond repair
[03:23:00] 我如同被敲烂的镜子一般支离破碎 无法复原
[03:23:00] Life has shattered my hopes and my dreams
[03:27:00] 生活粉碎了我的希望、梦想与意志
[03:27:00] I\'m a lost cause
[03:31:00] 从此以后 查无此人
[03:31:00] Baby don\'t waste your time on me
[03:35:00] 宝贝 你就忘了我吧
[03:35:00] I\'m so damaged beyond repair
[03:39:00] 我再也回不去了
[03:39:00] Life has shattered my hopes and my dreams
[03:44:00] 所有的希望与梦想都被生活的洪流所冲散

Somebody Save Me(Explicit) - Eminem&Jelly Roll


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Somebody Save Me (Explicit) - Eminem (埃米纳姆)/Jelly Roll
Lyrics by:Luis Resto/Marshall Mathers/E. Haynie/Benjamin Levin/D. Stevens/Jason DeFord

Composed by:Luis Resto/Marshall Mathers/E. Haynie/Benjamin Levin/D. Stevens/Jason DeFord

Produced by:benny blanco/Emile Haynie/Eminem

Foods\' here
Kept buyin\' and see who gets it
说吧 看谁会听你那一套
Come eat
Alaina I\'m so tired
Alaina 我好累
Just come eat
Alaina I\'ll be there in a minute I promise
Alaina 我晚点就吃 我保证
But wake up
Shut the door
Somebody save me me from myself
谁能救救我 让我能自我救赎
I\'ve spent so long livin\' in hell
地狱待得太久了 每日都在受苦
Another pill as I start to spiral
当我开始醉生梦死时 又将一片药咽下肚
Message to my daughters
I don\'t even deserve the father title
Hailie I\'m so sorry
Hailie 是我对不起你 其实很多事情我都清楚
I know I wasn\'t there for your first guitar recital
Didn\'t walk you down the aisle
Missed the birth of your first child
Your first podcast lookin\' down sweetie
亲爱的 往下翻到了你的第一条博客
I\'m so proud of how you turned out
Sorry that I chose d**gs and put \'em above you
Sorry that I didn\'t love you enough to
Give \'em up how the **** do
I not love you more than a pill
Lookin\' up to the ceilin\' from this floor wonder will
当我仰望着天花板 心中不停地期盼着
Somebody save me me from myself
谁能救救我 让我能自我救赎
I\'ve spent so long livin\' in hell
地狱待得太久了 每日都在受苦
They say my lifestyle is bad for my health
It\'s the only thing that seems to help
Alaina sorry that you had to hear me fall in the bathroom
Alaina 抱歉让你听到我倒在浴室里的声音
Sorry that I missed your gradu wait Nate I should just congratulate you
抱歉我错过了你的毕业礼 Nate 我应该祝贺你
On bein\' a dad to Carter and Liam look at you
成为Carter和Liam的父亲 看看你
Little bro sorry I left you
小兄弟 抱歉我离你而去
Sorry that I\'ll never get to
Hold or hug my little nephews
Stevie I\'m sorry I missed you
斯蒂夫 抱歉我本应该
Grow up and I didn\'t get to
Be the dad I wanted to be to you
Things I wanted to see you do
This is my song from me to you
Sorry I gave up but I\'m just so defeated
抱歉我选择了放弃 但我感到如此无助
God what the **** do you want me to do
上帝啊 你究竟想让我做什么
Somebody save me me from myself
谁能救救我 让我能自我救赎
I\'ve spent so long livin\' in hell
地狱待得太久了 每日都在受苦
They say my lifestyle is bad for my health
It\'s the only thing that seems to help
I\'ve been starin\' at that video of Hailie
Almost daily of her playin\' a guitar
In hopes maybe that\'ll give me the power to fight
But the addict in me\'s a coward he told me that I can\'t do it
但是我的内心就是个懦夫 不断地和我说:你做不到的
Had a second chance blew it
It\'s like I\'m stuck inside an alternate reality but I know
就如同我被困在了另一个现实中 但是我明白

I\'ll turn it around and be able to
终有一天 我会扭转局面 重新振作
Walk her and Lainie one day
To the altar as proud as can be
Right now I\'m just weak
As I fall further down in this deep hole
And farther in the ground that I sink
As they lower me in my coffin
I feel the tears all fallin\' down on my cheek
I\'m a lost cause
Baby don\'t waste your time on me
宝贝 请不要在我身上浪费时间
I\'m so damaged beyond repair
我如同被敲烂的镜子一般支离破碎 无法复原
Life has shattered my hopes and my dreams
I\'m a lost cause
从此以后 查无此人
Baby don\'t waste your time on me
宝贝 你就忘了我吧
I\'m so damaged beyond repair
Life has shattered my hopes and my dreams

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