陈致逸-海与月的女儿 (Daughter of the Sea and the Moon)的QQ空间背景音乐外链:
歌曲陈致逸-海与月的女儿 (Daughter of the Sea and the Moon)的MP3下载地址来源于网络分享,复制链接或者右键链接另存为即可下载MP3音乐,同时网站提供陈致逸-海与月的女儿 (Daughter of the Sea and the Moon)的QQ空间背景音乐歌曲链接,把这首歌曲的MP3链接地址推荐给你的朋友,可以让他们免费获得本歌曲音乐外链。
歌曲海与月的女儿 (Daughter of the Sea and the Moon)的歌词下载:
海与月的女儿 (Daughter of the Sea and the Moon) - 陈致逸
作曲 Composer:陈致逸 Yu-Peng Chen
编曲 Arranger:陈致逸 Yu-Peng Chen
管弦乐队录制(Orchestra Recording):
乐队 Orchestra:伦敦爱乐乐团 London Philharmonic Orchestra
指挥 Conductor:Robert Ziegler
钢琴 Piano:陈致逸 Yu-Peng Chen
录音棚 Recording Studio:Abbey Road Studios
录音师 Recording Engineer:Simon Rhodes
录音操作员 Recordist:Christopher Parker
录音师助理 Engineer Assistant:Tom Ashpitel / Marcus Siu / James Brennan
附加弦乐录制(Additional Strings Recording):
乐队 Orchestra:国际首席爱乐乐团 International Master Philharmonic Orchestra
录音师 Recording Engineer:李巍 Wei Li
手风琴录制(Accordion Recording):
手风琴 Accordion:刘昭 Zhao Liu
录音棚 Recording Studio:上海广播大厦录音棚 SMG Music Studio
录音师 Recording Engineer:莫家伟 Jiawei Mo
尺八与日本筝录制(Shakuhachi and Koto Recording):
尺八 Shakuhachi:藤原 道山 Dozan Fujiwara
日本筝 Koto:LEO
录音棚 Recording Studio:SHANGRI-LA Inc.
录音监制 Recording Producer:宫野 幸子 Sachiko Miyano
录音统筹 Recording Coordination:刘 博 Haku Ryu
录音师 Recording Engineer:立石 佑太 Yuta Tateishi
录音助手 Assistant Engineer:田中 宏幸 Hiroyuki Tanaka
声音后期制作(Mixing and Mastering):
音频编辑 Editing Engineer:George Oulton / 黄巍 Zach Huang
混音师 Mixing Engineer:Simon Rhodes / 黄巍 Zach Huang
母带 Mastering Enigineer:黄巍 Zach Huang
制作人 Producer:陈致逸 Yu-Peng Chen
出品(Presented by):
Yinxu Culture Co., Ltd|Yu-Peng Music Studio
拾音人音乐网提供陈致逸-海与月的女儿 (Daughter of the Sea and the Moon)的MP3音乐在线试听下载,海与月的女儿 (Daughter of the Sea and the Moon)的QQ空间背景音乐外链。