歌曲 抖音神曲-海潮哥 的LRC歌词下载


更新日期:2018-09-30 15:34:32


[00:00:00] 抖音神曲的LRC歌词,下载歌词请复制下面的内容保存为.lrc文件
[00:00:00] 抖音神曲 - 海潮哥
[00:00:00] I"m at your feet
[00:02:00] Whenever wherever
[00:05:00] We"re meant to be together
[00:06:00] I"ll be there and you"ll be near
[00:08:00] And that"s the deal my dear
[00:10:00] There over hereunder
[00:12:00] You"ll never have to wonder
[00:14:00] We can always play by ear
[00:16:00] But that"s the deal my dear
[00:31:00] But that"s the deal my
[01:06:00] Lucky that my lips not only mumble
[01:08:00] They spill kisses like a fountain
[01:10:00] Lucky that my breasts are small and humble
[01:12:00] So you don"t confuse them with mountains
[01:14:00] Lucky I have strong legs like my mother
[01:16:00] To run for cover when I need it
[01:17:00] And these two eyes that for no other
[01:19:00] The day you leave will cry a river
[01:25:00] At your feet
[01:27:00] I"m at your feet
[01:29:00] Whenever wherever
[01:31:00] We"re meant to be together
[01:33:00] I"ll be there and you"ll be near
[01:34:00] And that"s the deal my dear
[01:36:00] There over hereunder
[01:38:00] You"ll never have to wonder
[01:40:00] We can always play by ear
[01:42:00] But that"s the deal my dear
[01:57:00] But that"s the deal my

抖音神曲 - 海潮哥
I"m at your feet
Whenever wherever
We"re meant to be together
I"ll be there and you"ll be near
And that"s the deal my dear
There over hereunder
You"ll never have to wonder
We can always play by ear
But that"s the deal my dear
But that"s the deal my
Lucky that my lips not only mumble
They spill kisses like a fountain
Lucky that my breasts are small and humble
So you don"t confuse them with mountains
Lucky I have strong legs like my mother
To run for cover when I need it
And these two eyes that for no other
The day you leave will cry a river
At your feet
I"m at your feet
Whenever wherever
We"re meant to be together
I"ll be there and you"ll be near
And that"s the deal my dear
There over hereunder
You"ll never have to wonder
We can always play by ear
But that"s the deal my dear
But that"s the deal my

拾音人音乐网分享 抖音神曲-海潮哥 的音乐歌词下载,最新的音乐LRC歌词下载。


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  2. 2、修改保存好的txt文件后缀为.lrc即可
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