歌曲 Orbit You-动点 的LRC歌词下载


音乐名称:Orbit You-动点
专辑名称:Orbit You
更新日期:2022-04-02 09:55:17

Orbit You的歌词

[00:00:00] Orbit You的LRC歌词,下载歌词请复制下面的内容保存为.lrc文件
[00:00:00] Orbit You (《烧不尽》广播剧主题曲) - 动点
[00:06:00] 词:恨醉@-恨醉-
[00:08:00] 曲:动点
[00:09:00] 编曲:动点
[00:10:00] 制作:声罗万象工作室
[00:13:00] 监制:聊聊@不晓得唱歌
[00:16:00] 和声/和声编写:动点
[00:18:00] 电吉他:N·H•I
[00:21:00] 混音/母带:动点
[00:22:00] 海报设计:长夜蓝@长夜蓝_cyl
[00:27:00] Billions of people say
[00:31:00] They tell secrets to the sky
[00:36:00] But the sky has never answered even a sigh
[00:47:00] In space there are too many guttering stars
[00:52:00] And too many muttering creatures like us
[00:57:00] We are nobody We are dust
[01:08:00] One day we fade away
[01:18:00] The sun also rises
[01:28:00] But why when you settle into my eyes
[01:39:00] I see on Pegasus a spark bursted into fire
[01:50:00] Why when we breath under the same sky
[02:00:00] The scent of roses comes from the Orion arm
[02:11:00] Why when you whisper in my ear
[02:21:00] A love song from Leo echos in my mind
[02:32:00] Why when your lips overlap mine
[02:41:00] I feel like drinking wine by the Milky Way side
[02:53:00] Maybe we are nobody for these grand stars
[02:58:00] But for me without you all the planets are dust
[03:03:00] If I lose you my sun will never rise
[03:08:00] When I hold you I hold the infinity sky

Orbit You (《烧不尽》广播剧主题曲) - 动点
Billions of people say
They tell secrets to the sky
But the sky has never answered even a sigh
In space there are too many guttering stars
And too many muttering creatures like us
We are nobody We are dust
One day we fade away
The sun also rises
But why when you settle into my eyes
I see on Pegasus a spark bursted into fire
Why when we breath under the same sky
The scent of roses comes from the Orion arm
Why when you whisper in my ear
A love song from Leo echos in my mind
Why when your lips overlap mine
I feel like drinking wine by the Milky Way side
Maybe we are nobody for these grand stars
But for me without you all the planets are dust
If I lose you my sun will never rise
When I hold you I hold the infinity sky

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