歌曲 flowers(English version)-Hana Hope 的LRC歌词下载


音乐名称:flowers(English version)-Hana Hope
歌手名称:Hana Hope
更新日期:2023-12-27 22:11:49

flowers(English version)的歌词

[00:00:00] flowers(English version)的LRC歌词,下载歌词请复制下面的内容保存为.lrc文件
[00:00:00] flowers (English version) - Hana Hope
[00:01:00] Lyrics by:雨野どんぐり
[00:03:00] Composed by:田中隼人
[00:04:00] Arranged by:田中隼人
[00:15:00] In the silence of a world wearing a veil of misty rain
[00:20:00] 茫茫世界一片静寂 朦胧烟雨宛若面纱
[00:20:00] Suddenly I saw how cold the face of truth could be
[00:27:00] 我突然明白事实真相多么冷酷无情
[00:27:00] I\'ve been wondering how far beyond the sky the clouds will go
[00:32:00] 不知道云朵可以抵达多远的天际
[00:32:00] Holding no more than their own weight
[00:38:00] 它们一身轻松 了无负担
[00:38:00] Countless voices in the air clash in conflict here and there
[00:44:00] 无数种声音彼此争吵冲突 将空气填满
[00:44:00] And the scarlet life within us shower down upon the ground
[00:51:00] 猩红色的生命之息从体内喷涌而出
[00:51:00] What is the reason why for whatever we desire
[00:56:00] 究竟为何我们心中渴望如此强烈
[00:56:00] We keep searching for something else to sacrifice every time
[01:06:00] 以至于一次次找寻 又一次次牺牲
[01:06:00] The flowers swaying helplessly
[01:09:00] 花朵无助地摇摆着
[01:09:00] The wind is raging endlessly
[01:12:00] 狂风无止尽地呼啸着
[01:12:00] What else shall we let go
[01:14:00] 我们还要放弃多少
[01:14:00] To live our lives the only way we knew
[01:18:00] 才能让生活恢复本来的样貌
[01:18:00] The birds are soaring in the sky
[01:21:00] 鸟儿在天空中倏然飞过
[01:21:00] So high above us all we who cannot fly
[01:25:00] 俯视着地面上无法飞翔的人类
[01:25:00] We dragged our wounds behind us
[01:28:00] 我们拖着往日伤痛踽踽前行
[01:28:00] And kept walking on
[01:42:00] 步履不停
[01:42:00] When the virtued belief and somebody else\'s wise
[01:47:00] 自我之信念与他人之信仰
[01:47:00] They collide and call upon the shadows in the dark
[01:54:00] 两相冲突 召唤出黑暗中的阴影
[01:54:00] And missed it all my eyes
[01:56:00] 将我的双眼蒙蔽
[01:56:00] They keep on searching for the fact
[01:59:00] 人们不停搜寻着真相
[01:59:00] So I hold a light on my way
[02:05:00] 于是我打着灯走在自己的路上
[02:05:00] Through the emptiest of nights ones that freeze you to your bones
[02:11:00] 穿越一片死寂 寒冷刺骨的沉沉黑夜
[02:11:00] If we stay together closely we will see the morning right
[02:18:00] 只要紧紧相依 我们就能够看到晨曦来临 对吗
[02:18:00] What is the reason why we can stop the strain of hurt
[02:23:00] 我们究竟为何无法停止这痛苦的折磨
[02:23:00] How much longer will we relive the past mistakes memories
[02:31:00] 我们究竟还要在往日错误的阴影中挣扎多久
[02:31:00] And keep walking on
[02:57:00] 步履不停
[02:57:00] Somewhere far beyond the skyline
[03:00:00] 天际线那边的遥远某处
[03:00:00] Someone whose name we don\'t even know
[03:03:00] 我们甚至不知其名的某人
[03:03:00] Holds a fire inside their heart that burns them from within
[03:09:00] 心中火焰不灭 在体内熊熊燃烧
[03:09:00] That color and the pain that it caused
[03:12:00] 那灿烂的火光 那钻心的痛苦
[03:12:00] We already know it we\'ve seen it grow
[03:16:00] 我们再熟悉不过 眼看着它越演愈烈
[03:16:00] Soon the path we walk will intertwine
[03:22:00] 再过不久 我们脚下的道路终会相交
[03:22:00] Like flowers swaying helplessly
[03:25:00] 仿佛无助摇摆的花朵
[03:25:00] Like winds that sweep across the green
[03:28:00] 仿佛吹过青翠草地的狂风
[03:28:00] What else shall we pursue
[03:31:00] 我们还要追寻多少
[03:31:00] To live our lives the way we wanted to
[03:34:00] 才能过上心中渴望的生活
[03:34:00] Unlike the birds that soar the sky
[03:37:00] 不像天空中倏然飞过的鸟儿
[03:37:00] We have no wings and though we won\'t learn to fly
[03:42:00] 我们没有翅膀 虽然学不会飞翔
[03:42:00] We stand above the earth now
[03:45:00] 但此刻我们坚定地站在这片土地上
[03:45:00] And keep walking on
[03:51:00] 步履不停
[03:51:00] Trusting it all
[03:56:00] 坚守心中信念

flowers (English version) - Hana Hope

Lyrics by:雨野どんぐり

Composed by:田中隼人

Arranged by:田中隼人

In the silence of a world wearing a veil of misty rain
茫茫世界一片静寂 朦胧烟雨宛若面纱
Suddenly I saw how cold the face of truth could be
I\'ve been wondering how far beyond the sky the clouds will go
Holding no more than their own weight
它们一身轻松 了无负担
Countless voices in the air clash in conflict here and there
无数种声音彼此争吵冲突 将空气填满
And the scarlet life within us shower down upon the ground
What is the reason why for whatever we desire
We keep searching for something else to sacrifice every time
以至于一次次找寻 又一次次牺牲
The flowers swaying helplessly
The wind is raging endlessly
What else shall we let go
To live our lives the only way we knew
The birds are soaring in the sky
So high above us all we who cannot fly
We dragged our wounds behind us
And kept walking on
When the virtued belief and somebody else\'s wise
They collide and call upon the shadows in the dark
两相冲突 召唤出黑暗中的阴影
And missed it all my eyes
They keep on searching for the fact
So I hold a light on my way
Through the emptiest of nights ones that freeze you to your bones
穿越一片死寂 寒冷刺骨的沉沉黑夜
If we stay together closely we will see the morning right
只要紧紧相依 我们就能够看到晨曦来临 对吗
What is the reason why we can stop the strain of hurt
How much longer will we relive the past mistakes memories
And keep walking on
Somewhere far beyond the skyline
Someone whose name we don\'t even know
Holds a fire inside their heart that burns them from within
心中火焰不灭 在体内熊熊燃烧
That color and the pain that it caused
那灿烂的火光 那钻心的痛苦
We already know it we\'ve seen it grow
我们再熟悉不过 眼看着它越演愈烈
Soon the path we walk will intertwine
再过不久 我们脚下的道路终会相交
Like flowers swaying helplessly
Like winds that sweep across the green
What else shall we pursue
To live our lives the way we wanted to
Unlike the birds that soar the sky
We have no wings and though we won\'t learn to fly
我们没有翅膀 虽然学不会飞翔
We stand above the earth now
And keep walking on
Trusting it all

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