歌曲 Horizon-Awe Of Nature 的LRC歌词下载


音乐名称:Horizon-Awe Of Nature
歌手名称:Awe Of Nature
更新日期:2024-03-14 07:48:15


[00:00:00] Horizon的LRC歌词,下载歌词请复制下面的内容保存为.lrc文件
[00:42:00] a thousand melodies
[00:44:00] i\'ll play it once for me
[00:49:00] all of the memories felt like a century
[00:54:00] now they fade into the horizon
[01:01:00] now they fade into the horizon
[01:09:00] i thought you\'d be a challenge that i could handle
[01:16:00] wishing i would have never even met you
[01:24:00] all of these memories that i hold on to
[01:31:00] i wanted a comedy ended in tragedy
[01:36:00] now they fade into the horizon
[01:43:00] now they fade into the horizon

a thousand melodies
i\'ll play it once for me
all of the memories felt like a century
now they fade into the horizon
now they fade into the horizon
i thought you\'d be a challenge that i could handle
wishing i would have never even met you
all of these memories that i hold on to
i wanted a comedy ended in tragedy
now they fade into the horizon
now they fade into the horizon

拾音人音乐网分享 Horizon-Awe Of Nature 的音乐歌词下载,最新的音乐LRC歌词下载。


  1. 1、复制歌曲的LRC歌词,保存到txt文件
  2. 2、修改保存好的txt文件后缀为.lrc即可
  3. 3、本站所有资源均来自互联网,版权为原作者所有,如有侵犯权益,请联系我们删除!