歌曲 La La La-Midnight Generation 的LRC歌词下载


音乐名称:La La La-Midnight Generation
歌手名称:Midnight Generation
专辑名称:Funk Your Bones (Side B)
更新日期:2024-04-14 21:15:20

La La La的歌词

[00:00:00] La La La的LRC歌词,下载歌词请复制下面的内容保存为.lrc文件
[00:00:00] La La La - Midnight Generation
[00:05:00] Lyrics by:Midnight Generation
[00:10:00] Composed by:Midnight Generation
[00:16:00] Count to three won\'t leave without me
[00:18:00] 从一数到三 请不要离我而去   
[00:18:00] Within the shadows of the night
[00:21:00] 在深夜笼罩下  
[00:21:00] I\'m gettin closer you\'re gettin colder
[00:28:00] 我慢慢靠近你 但你愈发冷淡  
[00:28:00] One two three I can\'t even see
[00:31:00] 一 二 三 我甚至不能看清你  
[00:31:00] Front in the mirror you look polite
[00:34:00] 镜子面前的你 彬彬有礼  
[00:34:00] Your face is glowing in the dark
[00:38:00] 你的脸庞 在黑夜中散发光芒  
[00:38:00] I can show ya the way out
[00:41:00] 我能带领你寻找出路  
[00:41:00] La la la
[00:44:00] La la la
[00:47:00] La la la
[00:50:00] La la la
[00:53:00] La la la
[00:57:00] La la la
[01:00:00] La la la
[01:03:00] La la la
[01:07:00] I can\'t sleep and I\'m loosing grip
[01:09:00] 彻夜难眠 我已失去控制  
[01:09:00] From what you told me the other night
[01:13:00] 我还为那晚你说过的话而耿耿于怀  
[01:13:00] I\'m gettin older but so much stronger
[01:19:00] 岁月流逝 我变得更坚强  
[01:19:00] I can take you down tonight
[01:25:00] 今夜 我能捕获你的芳心  
[01:25:00] Yeah I can bring the lights tonight
[01:32:00] 今夜 就让灯光逐渐暗淡  
[01:32:00] La la la
[01:35:00] La la la
[01:38:00] La la la
[01:41:00] La la la
[01:45:00] La la la
[01:48:00] La la la
[01:51:00] La la la
[01:54:00] La la la
[01:58:00] \'Cause I can let you free
[02:03:00] 因我能赐你自由  
[02:03:00] Would you be my miracle
[02:11:00] 你会是我的专属奇迹吗  
[02:11:00] Yeah I can hear you breathe
[02:16:00] 我能听见你的一呼一吸  
[02:16:00] Are you gonna be my miracle
[02:49:00] 你是否会成为我的专属奇迹  
[02:49:00] \'Cause I can let you free
[02:55:00] 因我能赐你自由  
[02:55:00] Would you be my miracle
[02:57:00] 你会是我的专属奇迹吗  
[02:57:00] Yeah I can hear you breathe
[03:07:00] 我能听见你的一呼一吸  
[03:07:00] Are you gonna be my miracle
[03:07:00] 你是否会成为我的专属奇迹  

La La La - Midnight Generation
Lyrics by:Midnight Generation
Composed by:Midnight Generation
Count to three won\'t leave without me
从一数到三 请不要离我而去
Within the shadows of the night
I\'m gettin closer you\'re gettin colder
我慢慢靠近你 但你愈发冷淡
One two three I can\'t even see
一 二 三 我甚至不能看清你
Front in the mirror you look polite
镜子面前的你 彬彬有礼
Your face is glowing in the dark
你的脸庞 在黑夜中散发光芒
I can show ya the way out
La la la

La la la

La la la

La la la

La la la

La la la

La la la

La la la

I can\'t sleep and I\'m loosing grip
彻夜难眠 我已失去控制
From what you told me the other night
I\'m gettin older but so much stronger
岁月流逝 我变得更坚强
I can take you down tonight
今夜 我能捕获你的芳心
Yeah I can bring the lights tonight
今夜 就让灯光逐渐暗淡
La la la

La la la

La la la

La la la

La la la

La la la

La la la

La la la

\'Cause I can let you free
Would you be my miracle
Yeah I can hear you breathe
Are you gonna be my miracle
\'Cause I can let you free
Would you be my miracle
Yeah I can hear you breathe
Are you gonna be my miracle

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