歌曲 Getting Older-Billie Eilish 的LRC歌词下载


音乐名称:Getting Older-Billie Eilish
歌手名称:Billie Eilish
专辑名称:Winter Vibes 2023 (Explicit)
更新日期:2024-05-31 14:44:04

Getting Older的歌词

[00:00:00] Getting Older的LRC歌词,下载歌词请复制下面的内容保存为.lrc文件
[00:00:00] Getting Older - Billie Eilish
[00:03:00] Lyrics by:Billie Eilish O\'Connell/Finneas O\'Connell
[00:07:00] Composed by:Billie Eilish O\'Connell/Finneas O\'Connell
[00:11:00] I\'m gettin\' older I think I\'m agin\' well
[00:16:00] 我年岁渐长 我想我在变得更好
[00:16:00] I wish someone had told me I\'d be doin\' this by myself
[00:22:00] 真希望有人曾提前告诫我 我要独自面对这些风雨
[00:22:00] There\'s reasons that I\'m thankful there\'s a lot I\'m grateful for
[00:28:00] 让我心怀感激的事情很多 我有许许多多的感谢要说
[00:28:00] But it\'s different when a stranger\'s always waitin\' at your door
[00:35:00] 但是当陌生人守在你家门口 这世界就不再那样友善
[00:35:00] Which is ironic \'cause the strangers seem to want me more
[00:40:00] 真是讽刺 这些人明明与我初次谋面 却似乎
[00:40:00] Than anyone before
[00:42:00] 比从前遇见的任何人都更想占有我
[00:42:00] Anyone before
[00:48:00] 比从前任何人都想
[00:48:00] Too bad they\'re usually deranged
[00:54:00] 糟糕至极 他们总是如同疯子一般
[00:54:00] Last week I realized I crave pity
[00:58:00] 上周 我猛然意识到 我渴望他人的同情
[00:58:00] When I re-tell a story I make everything sound worse
[01:05:00] 一篇故事在我的复述中 听上去比事实更加糟糕
[01:05:00] Can\'t shake the feeling that I\'m just bad at healing
[01:10:00] 无法摆脱这样的感觉 我没有能力自我疗愈
[01:10:00] And maybe that\'s the reason every sentence sounds rehearsed
[01:17:00] 或许这就是为什么 我的每句话听起来都似有过预先排演
[01:17:00] Which is ironic because when I wasn\'t honest
[01:21:00] 讽刺的是 我就算满口谎言
[01:21:00] I was still bein\' ignored
[01:25:00] 我的声音依然被人忽视
[01:25:00] Lyin\' for attention just to get neglection
[01:32:00] 为了得到关注而撒谎 却依然无人在意
[01:32:00] Now we\'re estranged
[01:37:00] 现在我们彼此疏远
[01:37:00] Things I once enjoyed
[01:43:00] 曾经让我乐此不疲的事情
[01:43:00] Just keep me employed now
[01:49:00] 现在只是我谋生的工具
[01:49:00] Things I\'m longing for
[01:55:00] 我所梦寐以求的事物
[01:55:00] Someday I\'ll be bored of
[01:59:00] 总有一天会使我厌烦
[01:59:00] It\'s so weird
[02:10:00] 真是奇怪
[02:10:00] That we care so much until we don\'t
[02:17:00] 我们会那样在意 最后又那样漠不关心
[02:17:00] I\'m gettin\' older I\'ve got more on my shoulders
[02:22:00] 我年岁渐长 肩上的负担日益沉重
[02:22:00] But I\'m gettin\' better at admitting when I\'m wrong
[02:28:00] 但我可以更加坦然的接受自己的错误
[02:28:00] I\'m happier than ever at least that\'s my endeavor
[02:34:00] 我从未感觉如此幸福 至少 这是我竭尽全力后的结果
[02:34:00] To keep myself together and prioritize my pleasure
[02:41:00] 让自己振作精神 将快乐放在首要位置
[02:41:00] \'Cause to be honest I just wished the word I promised
[02:46:00] 因为说实话 我只希望我许诺要做到的事
[02:46:00] Would depend on what I\'m givin\'
[02:49:00] 我能靠我的付出来争取
[02:49:00] Not on his permission
[02:52:00] 而不是恳求他的准许
[02:52:00] Wasn\'t my decision
[02:56:00] 并非我自己选择
[02:56:00] To be abused mm
[03:01:00] 这样受尽折磨
[03:01:00] Things I once enjoyed
[03:07:00] 曾经让我乐此不疲的事情
[03:07:00] Just keep me employed now
[03:13:00] 现在只是我谋生的工具
[03:13:00] Things I\'m longing for mm
[03:19:00] 我所梦寐以求的事物
[03:19:00] Someday I\'ll be bored of
[03:23:00] 总有一天会使我厌烦
[03:23:00] It\'s so weird
[03:35:00] 真是奇怪
[03:35:00] That we care so much until we don\'t
[03:41:00] 我们会那样在意 最后又那样漠不关心
[03:41:00] But next week I hope I\'m somewhere laughin\'
[03:46:00] 但是下周 我希望自己能在某个地方开怀大笑
[03:46:00] For anybody asking I promise I\'ll be fine
[03:53:00] 要是有人来问我 我保证自己不会有事
[03:53:00] I\'ve had some trauma did things I didn\'t wanna
[03:58:00] 我曾有过创伤 曾有过身不由己
[03:58:00] Was too afraid to tell ya but now I think it\'s time
[04:03:00] 我无法鼓起勇气告诉你 但是现在 我想是时候坦然面对

Getting Older - Billie Eilish

Lyrics by:Billie Eilish O\'Connell/Finneas O\'Connell

Composed by:Billie Eilish O\'Connell/Finneas O\'Connell

I\'m gettin\' older I think I\'m agin\' well
我年岁渐长 我想我在变得更好
I wish someone had told me I\'d be doin\' this by myself
真希望有人曾提前告诫我 我要独自面对这些风雨
There\'s reasons that I\'m thankful there\'s a lot I\'m grateful for
让我心怀感激的事情很多 我有许许多多的感谢要说
But it\'s different when a stranger\'s always waitin\' at your door
但是当陌生人守在你家门口 这世界就不再那样友善
Which is ironic \'cause the strangers seem to want me more
真是讽刺 这些人明明与我初次谋面 却似乎
Than anyone before
Anyone before
Too bad they\'re usually deranged
糟糕至极 他们总是如同疯子一般
Last week I realized I crave pity
上周 我猛然意识到 我渴望他人的同情
When I re-tell a story I make everything sound worse
一篇故事在我的复述中 听上去比事实更加糟糕
Can\'t shake the feeling that I\'m just bad at healing
无法摆脱这样的感觉 我没有能力自我疗愈
And maybe that\'s the reason every sentence sounds rehearsed
或许这就是为什么 我的每句话听起来都似有过预先排演
Which is ironic because when I wasn\'t honest
讽刺的是 我就算满口谎言
I was still bein\' ignored
Lyin\' for attention just to get neglection
为了得到关注而撒谎 却依然无人在意
Now we\'re estranged
Things I once enjoyed
Just keep me employed now
Things I\'m longing for
Someday I\'ll be bored of
It\'s so weird
That we care so much until we don\'t
我们会那样在意 最后又那样漠不关心
I\'m gettin\' older I\'ve got more on my shoulders
我年岁渐长 肩上的负担日益沉重
But I\'m gettin\' better at admitting when I\'m wrong
I\'m happier than ever at least that\'s my endeavor
我从未感觉如此幸福 至少 这是我竭尽全力后的结果
To keep myself together and prioritize my pleasure
让自己振作精神 将快乐放在首要位置
\'Cause to be honest I just wished the word I promised
因为说实话 我只希望我许诺要做到的事
Would depend on what I\'m givin\'
Not on his permission
Wasn\'t my decision
To be abused mm
Things I once enjoyed
Just keep me employed now
Things I\'m longing for mm
Someday I\'ll be bored of
It\'s so weird
That we care so much until we don\'t
我们会那样在意 最后又那样漠不关心
But next week I hope I\'m somewhere laughin\'
但是下周 我希望自己能在某个地方开怀大笑
For anybody asking I promise I\'ll be fine
要是有人来问我 我保证自己不会有事
I\'ve had some trauma did things I didn\'t wanna
我曾有过创伤 曾有过身不由己
Was too afraid to tell ya but now I think it\'s time
我无法鼓起勇气告诉你 但是现在 我想是时候坦然面对

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