歌曲 BABY I’M BACK(Remix|Explicit)-The Kid LAROI&Gunna 的LRC歌词下载


音乐名称:BABY I’M BACK(Remix|Explicit)-The Kid LAROI&Gunna
歌手名称:The Kid LAROI&Gunna
专辑名称:BABY I’M BACK (Remix) [Explicit]
更新日期:2024-10-11 10:06:25

BABY I’M BACK(Remix|Explicit)的歌词

[00:00:00] BABY I’M BACK(Remix|Explicit)的LRC歌词,下载歌词请复制下面的内容保存为.lrc文件
[00:00:00] BABY I'M BACK (Remix|Explicit) - The Kid LAROI/Gunna
[00:00:00] TME享有本翻译作品的著作权
[00:00:00] Lyrics by:Charlton Howard/Antonio Zito/Rogét Chahayed/Sergio Giavanni Kitchens/J.C. Crowley/P. Beckett
[00:00:00] Composed by:Charlton Howard/Antonio Zito/Rogét Chahayed/Sergio Giavanni Kitchens/J.C. Crowley/P. Beckett
[00:00:00] Produced by:DOPAMINE/Rogét Chahayed
[00:00:00] Baby come back any kind of fool could see
[00:06:00] 宝贝 回到我身边吧 傻瓜都看得出来
[00:06:00] There was something in everything about you
[00:12:00] 我的生活处处都有你的影子
[00:12:00] Baby come back you can blame it all on me
[00:18:00] 宝贝 回到我身边吧 你可以将一切都怪罪到我身上
[00:18:00] I was wrong and I just can't live without you
[00:24:00] 我真的大错特错了 没有你陪在我身边 我无法生存下去
[00:24:00] Baby come back
[00:25:00] 宝贝 回到我身边吧
[00:25:00] It's been a crazy last year I'm tryna process still
[00:29:00] 过去的一年真是太疯狂了 我还在努力适应
[00:29:00] I don't even know how I should feel
[00:31:00] 我甚至有些不知所措
[00:31:00] I got a couple big houses and some whips maybe three
[00:34:00] 我购置了几栋豪宅 几辆豪车 我现在大概有三辆豪车
[00:34:00] And I got family members that got bigger egos than me
[00:37:00] 我的家人 比我还招摇
[00:37:00] And I got fans around the world whenever I'm overseas
[00:40:00] 我的粉丝遍布世界各地 每当我在海外演出时
[00:40:00] And I got friends who just pretend and say they love everything
[00:43:00] 我都会交到很多朋友 但我知道他们对我并非真心 他们只是假装说他们喜欢我的一切
[00:43:00] And yes I fell in love again I thought that **** was impossible
[00:45:00] 是的 我又一次坠入了爱河 我原以为我再也不会爱上别人了
[00:45:00] And I promise it's too real for me to care what they think
[00:49:00] 但我必须承认那一切是如此的真实以致于我已不在乎别人说什么
[00:49:00] I promise I don't give a **** because I know who I am
[00:52:00] 我保证我毫不在乎 因为我知道自己是谁
[00:52:00] Hatin' on me undercover I just won't understand
[00:55:00] 对着我的封面恶语相向 我真的无法理解
[00:55:00] Say we're brothers call me family but you act like a fan
[00:57:00] 与我称兄道弟 似乎我们就是一家人 但你的所作所为跟那些粉丝如出一辙
[00:57:00] 2 a.m. in Atlanta screaming "Baby I'm back"
[01:00:00] 凌晨2点 我在亚特兰大激动地呼喊 宝贝 我回来了
[01:00:00] Oh I am
[01:02:00] 是的
[01:02:00] Play me like a fool I see
[01:05:00] 我知道你把当傻瓜般玩弄
[01:05:00] But it's been so long since I thought about you
[01:10:00] 我已经很久没有想起你了
[01:10:00] I swear okay baby I'm back
[01:14:00] 我发誓我现在过得很好 宝贝 我回来了
[01:14:00] I guess you weren't the one for me
[01:17:00] 我想你并不是我的真命天女
[01:17:00] But it's been so long since I thought about you
[01:21:00] 我已经很久没有想起你了
[01:21:00] I thought about you
[01:22:00] 想起你
[01:22:00] I swear okay baby I'm back
[01:24:00] 我发誓我现在过得很好 宝贝 我回来了
[01:24:00] You can gon' and get used to my voice 'cause baby I'm back
[01:27:00] 你可以试着慢慢习惯我的声音 因为亲爱的 我已回归
[01:27:00] Young Gunna Wunna the people's choice just accept the facts
[01:30:00] Gunna闪亮登场 人们的不二选择 这就是接受事实
[01:30:00] We bump and grind 'cause shawty mine and she feel attached
[01:33:00] 我们纵享欢乐 因为辣妹是我的专属 她对我心醉神迷
[01:33:00] I like it I hope we don't have a fatal attraction
[01:37:00] 我乐在其中 我希望我们之间的吸引力不会危及性命
[01:37:00] Keep the camera holdin' still I'm backin' in that action
[01:39:00] 拿着相机不要乱动 我卷土重来
[01:39:00] Every day I wake up just to kill it that ain't no cappin'
[01:42:00] 每一天在我醒来之后 我就会大开杀戒 我没有说谎骗人
[01:42:00] I'm addin' addition to my fleet I'm goin' new brackets
[01:45:00] 我为我的团队注入新鲜血液 我要开创一片新的天地
[01:45:00] When I perform it's a chance to be giving talented
[01:48:00] 当我登台演出时 这就是给天才实现抱负的大好机会
[01:48:00] Can't survive me out my league boy I ain't average
[01:51:00] 无法战胜我 赶紧离开我的团队 小子 我非同一般
[01:51:00] I'm juggin' and crushin' in the street keepin' my balance
[01:54:00] 我在大街上横冲直撞 竭尽全力保持平衡
[01:54:00] Told myself stay focused when I'm facin' these challenges
[01:57:00] 当我面对这些挑战时 我告诉自己一定要专心致志
[01:57:00] So 'em it ain't over and baby I'm back again
[02:00:00] 所以这一切尚未结束 亲爱的 我再次归来
[02:00:00] Oh I am
[02:01:00] 我就是这样
[02:01:00] Play me like a fool I see
[02:04:00] 我知道你把当傻瓜般玩弄
[02:04:00] But it's been so long since I thought about you
[02:09:00] 我已经很久没有想起你了
[02:09:00] I swear okay baby I'm back
[02:13:00] 我发誓我现在过得很好 宝贝 我回来了
[02:13:00] I guess you weren't the one for me
[02:16:00] 我想你并不是我的真命天女
[02:16:00] But it's been so long since I thought about you
[02:20:00] 我已经很久没有想起你了
[02:20:00] I thought about you
[02:21:00] 想起你
[02:21:00] I swear okay baby I'm back
[02:23:00] 我发誓我现在过得很好 宝贝 我回来了
[02:23:00] I told my baby "Let them talk" that's the caption
[02:26:00] 我曾对你说过宝贝 随他们说去吧 他们可以随意编造
[02:26:00] I don't even really like bein' online that **** taxin'
[02:29:00] 我真的不喜欢在网上与他们唇枪舌剑
[02:29:00] Started off as an attraction
[02:30:00] 从一开始的相互吸引
[02:30:00] Now it's turnin' to attachment
[02:32:00] 慢慢变成依恋
[02:32:00] Overseas we relaxin' I ain't thinkin' 'bout the past tense
[02:35:00] 在海外我们如此轻松惬意 我并不想再回想起过往
[02:35:00] No
[02:35:00] 'Cause everybody wanna say ****
[02:36:00] 现在所有人都对我套近乎
[02:36:00] All of a sudden y'all believed in me
[02:38:00] 突然间 所有人都相信我了
[02:38:00] All of a sudden you want a favor now
[02:39:00] 突然间 你对我颇有好感了
[02:39:00] All of a sudden you wan' be with me
[02:41:00] 突然间 你就想和我在一起了
[02:41:00] All of a sudden y'all always knew
[02:42:00] 突然间 你们都想了解我了
[02:42:00] But I remember you ain't see it in me
[02:44:00] 我记得你们并不觉得我有什么闪光之处
[02:44:00] And yes I know I'm blessed but sometimes I wish I could go back
[02:49:00] 是的 我知道我很幸运 但有时我希望我能回到过去
[02:49:00] To the way it used to be
[02:52:00] 回到过去的样子
[02:52:00] Just so I can feel what I been missin'
[02:57:00] 这样我就能知道我到底错过了什么
[02:57:00] Oh baby come back
[03:01:00] 宝贝 回到我身边吧
[03:01:00] You can have it all you see
[03:04:00] 你知道你本可以拥有一切
[03:04:00] But there's just something that's not the same about you
[03:09:00] 但你的心境已经有所改变 你已不再是原来的你了
[03:09:00] Oh baby come back
[03:11:00] 宝贝 回到我身边吧
[03:11:00] Baby come back any kind of fool could see
[03:16:00] 宝贝 回到我身边吧 傻瓜都看得出来
[03:16:00] There was something in everything about you
[03:20:00] 我的生活处处都有的你的影子
[03:20:00] I thought about you
[03:22:00] 想起你
[03:22:00] Baby come back you can blame it all on me
[03:26:00] 宝贝 回到我身边吧 你可以将一切都怪罪到我身上
[03:26:00] You weren't the one for me
[03:27:00] 你并不是我的真命天女
[03:27:00] I was wrong and I just can't live without you
[03:33:00] 我真的大错特错了 没有你陪在我身边 我无法生存下去
[03:33:00] Baby come back
[03:38:00] 宝贝 回到我身边吧

BABY I'M BACK (Remix|Explicit) - The Kid LAROI/Gunna
Lyrics by:Charlton Howard/Antonio Zito/Rogét Chahayed/Sergio Giavanni Kitchens/J.C. Crowley/P. Beckett

Composed by:Charlton Howard/Antonio Zito/Rogét Chahayed/Sergio Giavanni Kitchens/J.C. Crowley/P. Beckett

Produced by:DOPAMINE/Rogét Chahayed

Baby come back any kind of fool could see
宝贝 回到我身边吧 傻瓜都看得出来
There was something in everything about you
Baby come back you can blame it all on me
宝贝 回到我身边吧 你可以将一切都怪罪到我身上
I was wrong and I just can't live without you
我真的大错特错了 没有你陪在我身边 我无法生存下去
Baby come back
宝贝 回到我身边吧
It's been a crazy last year I'm tryna process still
过去的一年真是太疯狂了 我还在努力适应
I don't even know how I should feel
I got a couple big houses and some whips maybe three
我购置了几栋豪宅 几辆豪车 我现在大概有三辆豪车
And I got family members that got bigger egos than me
我的家人 比我还招摇
And I got fans around the world whenever I'm overseas
我的粉丝遍布世界各地 每当我在海外演出时
And I got friends who just pretend and say they love everything
我都会交到很多朋友 但我知道他们对我并非真心 他们只是假装说他们喜欢我的一切
And yes I fell in love again I thought that **** was impossible
是的 我又一次坠入了爱河 我原以为我再也不会爱上别人了
And I promise it's too real for me to care what they think
I promise I don't give a **** because I know who I am
我保证我毫不在乎 因为我知道自己是谁
Hatin' on me undercover I just won't understand
对着我的封面恶语相向 我真的无法理解
Say we're brothers call me family but you act like a fan
与我称兄道弟 似乎我们就是一家人 但你的所作所为跟那些粉丝如出一辙
2 a.m. in Atlanta screaming "Baby I'm back"
凌晨2点 我在亚特兰大激动地呼喊 宝贝 我回来了
Oh I am
Play me like a fool I see
But it's been so long since I thought about you
I swear okay baby I'm back
我发誓我现在过得很好 宝贝 我回来了
I guess you weren't the one for me
But it's been so long since I thought about you
I thought about you
I swear okay baby I'm back
我发誓我现在过得很好 宝贝 我回来了
You can gon' and get used to my voice 'cause baby I'm back
你可以试着慢慢习惯我的声音 因为亲爱的 我已回归
Young Gunna Wunna the people's choice just accept the facts
Gunna闪亮登场 人们的不二选择 这就是接受事实
We bump and grind 'cause shawty mine and she feel attached
我们纵享欢乐 因为辣妹是我的专属 她对我心醉神迷
I like it I hope we don't have a fatal attraction
我乐在其中 我希望我们之间的吸引力不会危及性命
Keep the camera holdin' still I'm backin' in that action
拿着相机不要乱动 我卷土重来
Every day I wake up just to kill it that ain't no cappin'
每一天在我醒来之后 我就会大开杀戒 我没有说谎骗人
I'm addin' addition to my fleet I'm goin' new brackets
我为我的团队注入新鲜血液 我要开创一片新的天地
When I perform it's a chance to be giving talented
当我登台演出时 这就是给天才实现抱负的大好机会
Can't survive me out my league boy I ain't average
无法战胜我 赶紧离开我的团队 小子 我非同一般
I'm juggin' and crushin' in the street keepin' my balance
我在大街上横冲直撞 竭尽全力保持平衡
Told myself stay focused when I'm facin' these challenges
当我面对这些挑战时 我告诉自己一定要专心致志
So 'em it ain't over and baby I'm back again
所以这一切尚未结束 亲爱的 我再次归来
Oh I am
Play me like a fool I see
But it's been so long since I thought about you
I swear okay baby I'm back
我发誓我现在过得很好 宝贝 我回来了
I guess you weren't the one for me
But it's been so long since I thought about you
I thought about you
I swear okay baby I'm back
我发誓我现在过得很好 宝贝 我回来了
I told my baby "Let them talk" that's the caption
我曾对你说过宝贝 随他们说去吧 他们可以随意编造
I don't even really like bein' online that **** taxin'
Started off as an attraction
Now it's turnin' to attachment
Overseas we relaxin' I ain't thinkin' 'bout the past tense
在海外我们如此轻松惬意 我并不想再回想起过往

'Cause everybody wanna say ****
All of a sudden y'all believed in me
突然间 所有人都相信我了
All of a sudden you want a favor now
突然间 你对我颇有好感了
All of a sudden you wan' be with me
突然间 你就想和我在一起了
All of a sudden y'all always knew
突然间 你们都想了解我了
But I remember you ain't see it in me
And yes I know I'm blessed but sometimes I wish I could go back
是的 我知道我很幸运 但有时我希望我能回到过去
To the way it used to be
Just so I can feel what I been missin'
Oh baby come back
宝贝 回到我身边吧
You can have it all you see
But there's just something that's not the same about you
但你的心境已经有所改变 你已不再是原来的你了
Oh baby come back
宝贝 回到我身边吧
Baby come back any kind of fool could see
宝贝 回到我身边吧 傻瓜都看得出来
There was something in everything about you
I thought about you
Baby come back you can blame it all on me
宝贝 回到我身边吧 你可以将一切都怪罪到我身上
You weren't the one for me
I was wrong and I just can't live without you
我真的大错特错了 没有你陪在我身边 我无法生存下去
Baby come back
宝贝 回到我身边吧

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